5 Key Ways an On-Site Conference Concierge Makes Your Job Easier


For months, this meeting has consumed your every thought. You’ve secured the event venues, poured over dining menus, reserved overnight accommodations, selected team building activities and provided your list of A/V requirements. You’ve dotted every i and crossed every t.

Of course, we all know the expression about the best laid plans. That’s why it’s critical to have an expert point person to help you navigate any issues and complexities that may arise throughout your gathering. Here are the five key ways an on-site conference concierge makes your job easier:

  1. They Can Copy That | Yes, the world has gone digital. No, that does not mean hard-copy adherents no longer exist. Some presenters on your team may prefer a printed deck (or at least printed notes). And some attendees may ask for a complete printout as a takeaway for enhanced comprehension. Our conference concierge is happy to make any and all fast-turnaround copies for you.

  2. They Make Speakers Look (and Sound) Good | There is nothing worse than assembling a letter-perfect presentation only to discover incompatible or outdated technology at your meeting venue. This is an avoidable nightmare. Your conference concierge acts as your personal liaison with a fully-vetted audio-visual equipment partner to check every box on your list of requirements and make any required last-minute changes to the plan, so your speakers can seamlessly communicate with their audience.

  3. They’re Mealtime Marvels | No one wants to stop a session – just as your team is making solid progress – simply to meet a scheduled meal break. (Those 20 extra minutes could make a huge impact!) Fortunately, our conference concierge is pleased to coordinate with the culinary team to ensure your group dining strikes the perfect timing. This way, you can maintain momentum and then reward your attendees with freshly-prepared cuisine.

  4. They Work the Room(s) | You reserved a grand, wide-open space to perfectly accommodate your large group. Check. In a moment of on-the-spot inspiration, your director of sales suggests incorporating breakout sessions into the meeting. Not a problem! Our conference concierge is pleased to scout and secure ideally sized, on-site rooms on the fly that fit the bill and fuel your mission.

  5. They Save The Day | As you well know, there are so many moving parts to a meeting – including time-and-mission-critical administrative details inherent to the success of your group gathering. Our conference concierge becomes your right hand – including handling package delivery services.

Lansdowne Resort is proud to provide a dedicated conference concierge to every group that gathers at the property. Ready to make your job easier? Start the conversation about your next meeting here.

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