Relaxing Rounds: Golf Relaxation Techniques

As the DMV’s premier golf and wellness resort, we rounded up our pros to offer their advice on taking a holistic approach to 18 holes. Read on for their tips and tricks to uncover how to relax while playing golf. Your peace of mind – and your handicap – will thank you for it.
- Breathe in. Breathe out. | Breathwork does wonders to calm the mind and relax the body – anyone who has ever taken a yoga class knows this. Before lining up to take any shot, inhale deeply for a count of four, hold that breath for a count of seven, then exhale for a count of eight to center yourself.
- Focus On One Shot At A Time | Don’t beat yourself up over earlier shots that didn’t go the way you had hoped or stress out about the next one (or the one after that). Stay present and direct your full concentration on the shot you’re about to take… right… now.
- Make Rituals A Ritual | Creating and adhering to a consistent pre-shot ritual delivers a sense of calm, normalcy and control, which helps banish anxiety about how you’ll perform as you take your swing.
- Be In It To Win It | Before striking the ball, visualize a successful shot. Positive imagery fuels positive energy and leads to better and better results.
- Practice Acceptance | Even the best players in the world make terrible shots sometimes. Understand that mistakes are intrinsically part of the game. Accept them as they happen and move on instead of letting them affect the rest of your round.
- Fuel Your Body | Dehydration and hunger have a definitively negative effect on your concentration and energy levels. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout your round and tuck some snacks into your golf bag for when you need a power boost.
- Consider The Company You Keep | We’ve all been there. One player in a foursome brings negative energy that affects everyone’s game. No matter what the scorecard says, the best rounds are very often the result of surrounding yourself with upbeat, supportive partners.
- Get Loose | You want to relax your golf swing. That all begins with stretching and hitting some practice shots before your round to prepare your mind and muscles.
- Give In To The Green Spaces | Sure, you’re on the course to play. But make sure you take time to absorb and appreciate the natural beauty surrounding you. It’s a great relaxation aid! (You can read about the wellness benefits of green spaces here.)
- Know Your Competition | Hint: It’s you! Rather than comparing your game to others, just get out there and strive for your personal best with every round.
- Bring Your Best Buds | If the course allows it, pop in your earbuds and listen to a playlist that gives you what you need in the moment – whether that’s a pump-you-up or calm-you-down vibe.
- Practice, Practice, Practice | Before stepping into the tee box, you should have already put in the work at the driving range and putting green. This will induce greater relaxation and boost your confidence with every stroke.
Ready to put these golf relaxation techniques into play on our championship courses? As one of the most respected private clubs in the Mid-Atlantic region, access is restricted to members and guests of the resort. Explore our full collection of golf packages which bundle an overnight stay in our AAA Four Diamond accommodations with your golf round so you can have it all.